Health & wellbeing in the workplace
July 6th 2020 | Categories: Invest Blue News |

At Invest Blue we are passionate about helping people to achieve their goals and dreams so that they can live their best possible life. These people are not only our wonderful clients but our people; our Advisers, our Relationship Managers and the entire team that make the financial planning process possible. Our Core Values revolve around ensuring the wellbeing of our people, and this ensures the best service for our clients.
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Steps we took to create and sustain wellbeing in the workplace
Create Discussion: The first step on implementing health and wellbeing into the Invest Blue workplace was to create discussion around the topic. This was done by incorporating a business-wide wellbeing theme where at each team weekly meeting everyone would share what they were doing for their health and wellbeing during the week and if they have any tips to share
Some common answers included going to f45 or the gym, yoga, walking, spending time with the family, reading or meditating. Creating a weekly discussion allowed the team to continue to become more aware of what they were doing on a regular basis to achieve and maintain their health and wellbeing
In March this year, we partnered with the Black Dog Institute and will be holding mandatory training for all managers and all people so we can learn more about mental health in the workplace, how to recognise the early signs and how to support people in your team.
Wellbeing Surveys:
In addition to our wellbeing theme, we asked for volunteers throughout the business to complete a survey to assess how mentally healthy our workplace is and from this, we have built a mentally healthy workplace development plan and introduced a Mentally Healthy HR policy.
Additional Education:
On top of further education around mental health, we have recently increased our budget to extend to those people who want to be active leaders within our business and become accredited in mental health. This is an exciting new opportunity which enables our people to further develop their skills and provide additional challenges in areas outside of their existing roles. What we are finding is a shift in people’s mindset around health and wellbeing and we want to be able to support any people within the business within this area.
Take a Break Care Package
To continue with our health and wellbeing theme we wanted to incorporate ways that everyone in their offices could have some fun and stay connected to the theme. We created the “Take a break” care packages We filled these packages with various items to promote more me time and team activities at work, items included puzzles, stretch bands, magazines, uno card games, morning team quizzes and dark chocolate. In addition to these items were laminated cards which discussed what you can do with each of the activities and how they promote wellness. We then distributed them to all 14 offices and shared all our fun through our internal chatter page. Here is some of our puzzle time below, this really allowed people to take a break throughout the day and regenerate.
Travis and I both found doing the jigsaw puzzle very useful in making us have a break and really switching off for 30-60 minutes while we ate our lunch. So much so, we’ve bought two more puzzles and are nearly finished the first one. Great stress release 😊
10-week health and wellness challenge
The wellbeing activities from the quarter were so well received, we have it as our theme yet again and this quarter has carried out a 10-week health and wellness challenge. Each week we have included activities which a linked to our take a break care package (Calm, Re-Energize and Relax), things like having a walking buddy, giving someone a compliment, taking time to stretch, pledging to each other what you want to do this week either skipping that morning coffee purchase to eating salad for lunch and drinking three litres of water a day. As a business, because our office demographics are so widespread we really try and stay connected through the challenge by using our internal chatter page, check it out! “The IB Boys taking the wellness challenge seriously this quarter by joining the VBP basketball league”. “Puzzles and mind-boggling games for Team Cebu” #puzzles #10weekchallenge
Our challenges include going for a walk on your morning tea break, giving someone a compliment, taking time to stretch, taking up a healthy activity for the week such as salads for lunch or drinking three litres of water a day or simply reading a book and joining our internal book club.
Health & Wellbeing Day: As a business, we recognise that sometimes you just need a day to fill your cup, whatever that means to you at that point in time is different for everyone and we recognise that. This quarter we have provided each employee with 1 day to use for health and wellbeing; they were asked to share a photo or tell us what they did that day.
Here are some of our favourite entries.
I had a long weekend for my health and wellbeing day. Great weather and went for walks on the bush as well as the bush track to the heads. Also some cocktails and a dip in the plunge pool. Very enjoyable!
Date with Myself!!!!
Spent time doing what I love, HIIT class in the morning, playing with my crystals, mediating and burnt some Sage and read a new book.
I then went and had a facial as I had a friend that had given me a voucher… perfect chance to use this! Then watched Netflix for the afternoon. I had the most relaxed day and was so grateful to be able to do this thanks to work! #worksomewhereawesome 😊
What was the feedback
The feedback has been well received across the whole business as we continue our health and wellbeing journey. By implementing further education to both employees and managers has had a profound impact on mental wellbeing within our workplace. We understand the impacts of how both personal and work life can have on everyone and by having a continuous focus of wellbeing has seen an increase in not only moral but has encouraged everyone to be mindful of making healthy choices.
Invest Blue is conscious of the impact your work life or ‘occupational wellbeing’ can have across all areas of your life. We believe the success of the health and wellbeing day had benefits across the whole company and work stress improve in turn allowing for more efficiency when they were present at work. The theme also helped grow work culture in the office as a whole and was very appreciated by all employees.
If you’re needing an extra helping hand and are ready to speak with a financial planner, please get in touch.
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What you need to know
This information is provided by Invest Blue Pty Ltd (ABN 91 100 874 744). The information contained in this article is of general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regards to those matters and seek personal financial, tax and/or legal advice prior to acting on this information. Read our Financial Services Guide for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relations to products and services provided to you.
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