new year, new financial goals
December 20th 2021 | Categories: Budgeting & Goals |

The new year is fast approaching and now is the perfect time to set some solid financial goals. We recommend setting small realistic goals that will help you work toward your larger goals. When addressing those big goals such as buying a house, retiring 10 years earlier or even going on a month-long Europe trip. Setting the goal posts up early will ensure you reach the important milestones, so you can achieve the big dream. Measuring your goals monthly can help you with this.
It is easy to lose track of time and to lose focus too. Perhaps those goals you set months ago, aren’t looking too rosy? Consider these financial goals to take on in the New Year.
let’s help you achieve your financial goals:
List your achievements
Setting goals can feel overwhelming so instead, why not list your achievements from the past 12 months instead? Noting down recent personal or financial achievements will help you focus on the right goals moving forward. For example, did you participate in a special sporting event, enjoy a memorable trip away, pay a little extra off the mortgage or take on new responsibilities at work? Write them all down and give yourself a bit of a pat on the back. And now that you’re thinking positively, let’s think about the next 12 months or the 2023 Financial Year by setting new goals or tweaking those already on your list.
Have an expert on side
In your newly created list with many clear and achievable objectives, hopefully there are some financial goals. Do you want to improve your budgeting, invest some money or even create a holiday fund for that one guilt-free trip every year?
Whatever your objectives, why not have someone help you fine-tune them? Stand out from the 80% of Australians who don’t enlist expert advice and instead, talk money matters with those who live and breathe finances. Having someone to hold your hand through the process and celebrating the wins with you is a great way to achieve your goals in the short, medium and long-term. Book your complimentary session today so we can better help you achieve that big dream!
Here’s our take on the importance of goals.
The other great advantage of a financial adviser is that they’ll keep you accountable too. Financial advisers help you prioritise your goals and will ensure that you’ll stick to your plans. One of our clients says she no longer reaches for her credit card with the same robotic approach she used to. Knowing her adviser is on the journey with her means she now rethinks those extra (and often unnecessary) purchases. And the result? A much healthier bank balance.
Have Deliberate Savings
Around 47% of Australians wish they had more savings. People tend to buy the things they need first, followed by the things they want and if there’s any money left over, that money becomes savings. But often, just when you think there are extra funds to set aside, the car rego is due, school fees need paying or that annual insurance premium is looming. It can often feel like two steps forward, one step back.
It’s important to be deliberate with savings. The ‘let’s hope leftovers’ are not savings. Look at your pay packet and set aside money each time you’re paid. Arrange for a certain amount of money to go into a separate bank account. Of course, ensure you have enough money coming in to cover your weekly/fortnightly/monthly expenses and even a little extra for the aforementioned insurance premiums, car services etc. But in committing to a savings plan, you can achieve great results.
Know your next investment
Being deliberate with your savings is important, so too is being knowledgeable about your next potential investment. Knowing exactly how much you will need as a deposit for an investment property or to buy more shares in those well-performing stocks will keep you focussed. But if you’d rather leave the nitty gritty to the experts, that’s fine too. We’re happy to help.
Reflecting on the past year may leave you disappointed. You may not have run that half-marathon, lost those 10 kilograms or got that deposit together. There may not be big, bright ticks next to those lifestyle or financial goals you listed 12 months ago. But chin up, with the end of the current financial year in sight, you can set some amazing objectives for the 2023 Financial Year. If listing achievements to date, seeking expert advice, setting up a savings plans and knowing your next investment seem like a tall order, then start with one of them. Talk to someone who can guide you.
Yvette Harper
Our guest writer, Yvette Harper, has many years of experience in the media having worked at Channel 9, Prime7 and in print media. Yvette’s writing background is diverse with articles published in magazines such as the Australian Women’s Weekly, Practical Parenting, Coast Living and Focus Magazine. With her freelance feature pieces, Yvette’s profiled celebrities and written in-depth articles on breast cancers survivors and organ donation. She has also written magazines for Coffs Coast Tourism. More recently, Yvette has focussed on copyrighting for business clients to improve their relevant marketing material such as website content, social media, newsletters, internal articles, advertorials and award submissions.
Yvette’s been blessed to have some fascinating life experiences too such as managing a wildlife photographic camp in Botswana and living in Southern Lao where weekly grocery trips meant getting the passport out and going to Thailand with her young children. Yvette and her family are now Coffs Harbour based.
What you need to know
This information is provided by Invest Blue Pty Ltd (ABN 91 100 874 744). The information contained in this article is of general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regards to those matters and seek personal financial, tax and/or legal advice prior to acting on this information. Read our Financial Services Guide for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relations to products and services provided to you.
Posted in Budgeting & Goals