State Government Coronavirus Relief Packages

May 15th 2020 | Categories: Financial Planning |

state gov packages main

The light at the end of the tunnel brightens day by day, but we still have a way to go with our fight against the Coronavirus. The financial impact of this fight has been felt by many Australian businesses and individuals, and our governments have responded, reaching out with helping hands.

Below is a summary of the state government Coronavirus support packages for New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.


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New South Wales

Financial stimulus package for small businesses

The NSW government’s small business stimulus package includes:


The emergency cleaning stimulus package 

Small and medium-sized cleaning businesses have been hired by the NSW government to enhance the cleaning of public infrastructure including schools, TAFE and public transport. If you’d like to register your business, visit eTendering.


Small business support grant

A grant of up to $10,000 is available for businesses who:


For more details and to apply visit Apply for the small business COVID-19 support grant.

For full details on how the NSW government is supporting businesses and individuals during COVID-19 visit Service NSW.



The QLD and local regional councils have introduced a number of relief measures for businesses impacted by COVID-19. Some of these require an application and some have been applied automatically.

If eligible, businesses may apply for:


The following measures have been automatically applied to QLD businesses:


A number of regional council relief packages are also available for businesses, some upon application and some have been applied automatically. For the full list of available financial support for affected Queensland businesses during COVID-19 click here.



The Victorian government have rolled out their own support packages for communities, businesses and individuals affected by COVID-19, exceeding $3 billion.

The economic survival package includes:


The Victorian government are also providing support for tenants and landlords including a moratorium on evictions, land tax reductions and reductions and deferrals for landlords, a new dispute resolution process, supported by a $500 million package providing land tax relief for landlords and rent relief for tenants experiencing financial hardship.

For the full list of available support for affected Victorian businesses during COVID-19, click here.


Australian Government

Backed by the state governments, the Australian government has rolled out a number of packages to support all Australian businesses, communities and individuals. JobKeeper payments, SME guarantee scheme, early access to superannuation and instant asset write off to name a few.

For more details on these schemes, read:

Government support – the third round

Update on financial support available during COVID-19 outbreak


How we can help

If you’re facing financial hardship due to the coronavirus download our step by step guide to managing your finances during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

We also have tonnes of resources for renters, landlords, investors and individuals recently published on our blog. Read them here.


If you would like to discuss your financial situation, we are happy to assist. Contact us today.

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What you need to know

This information is provided by Invest Blue Pty Ltd (ABN 91 100 874 744). The information contained in this article is of general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regards to those matters and seek personal financial, tax and/or legal advice prior to acting on this information. Read our Financial Services Guide for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relations to products and services provided to you.